Comprehensive Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy
Request Information
Activity Description
This course provides a comprehensive evidence-based didactic and clinical learning experience presenting philosophies, principles, and insight into the specialty treatment area of Orofacial Myology as practiced on a global basis. This course emphasizes the comprehensive assessment, diagnosis, treatment planning, implementation of therapeutic techniques, and evaluation of orofacial myofunctional disorders. Included are resting postures of the tongue, lips, and mandible; the dental freeway space; correct mastication and deglutition; and functional tongue/jaw patterning for speech readiness. A “Quit in a Day” oral habit elimination program for non-nutritive sucking habits is presented.
This course is offered for up to 2.8 ASHA CEUs (Introductory level, Professional area).
Kimberly K. Benkert, RDH, BSDH, MPH, COM, FAADH is the Owner of Midwest Orofacial Myology / MYO USA, Inc.
Financial — MYO USA, Inc. is the US and Canadian distributor for the MYO Munchie oromotor chewing appliance. Patents held by Kevin Bourke, DDS, Australia.
Nonfinancial —Insurance Committee: International Association of Orofacial Myology; Legislative Chair: Illinois Dental Hygienists’ Association. Receives no compensation as a member of these committees.
Learning Outcomes
As a result of this learning activity the participant will be able to:
- Explain the historical background and ethical principles of treating orofacial myofunctional disorders
- Review the IAOM Code of Ethics and Certification requirements and application process; and review the ADHA and ASHA policy statements on Orofacial Myology and Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy
- Define orofacial myofunctional disorders and related potential habit patterns
- Review basic histology, embryology, anatomy, and physiology of the orofacial complex, temporomandibular joint region, airway and breathing, chewing, swallowing, and speaking mechanisms
- Review Angle’s classifications of dental occlusion and centric relationships
- Discuss structural (form) versus environmental (function) etiologies
- Discuss accepted norms for speech development
- Conduct a comprehensive orofacial myofunctional examination and perform an oral cancer screening utilizing quantitative measurements and qualitative data
- Measure Range of Motion (ROM) patterning of the mandible
- Demonstrate the processes of correct resting posture, establishing a freeway space, mastication, bolus formation, saliva & food transfers and patterns
- Formulate a comprehensive orofacial myofunctional diagnosis
- Develop a treatment plan for a therapeutic program based on quantitative and qualitative data
- Analyze therapeutic principles and exercise techniques utilized in correcting orofacial muscle dysfunction and muscle pattern deviations
- Evaluate habituation processes
- Analyze the components and techniques for implementing a successful non-nutritive sucking (thumb, fingers, nails) elimination program
- Discuss implementing aseptic techniques for infection control
- Interpret issues related to implementation of patient/client case management, record keeping, documentation and privacy issues
- Discuss ethics and regulatory issues
Instructional Personnel
Kimberly K. Benkert, RDH, BSDH, MPH, COM, FAADH
Midwest Orofacial Myology / MYO USA, Inc.
Kimberly Benkert is a graduate of Loyola University, College of Dentistry with a BS degree in Dental Hygiene, a Masters of Public Health in Health Policy and Administration from the University of Illinois-School of Public Health, and Certified in Orofacial Myology through the International Association of Orofacial Myology. She is a former faculty member at the University of Illinois-College of Dentistry, Kennedy King Dental Hygiene Program, a past President of the American Dental Hygienists’ Association, the Illinois Dental Hygienists’ Association, and the West Suburban Dental Hygienists’ Society. Kimberly holds a Fellowship in Orofacial Myology and Temporomandibular Muscular Dysfunction with the American Academy of Dental Hygiene. She is a recipient of many awards including the ADHA/J&J Award for Excellence, the ADHA/Discus Dental Distinguished Service Award, the IAOM Connie Painter Award for Outstanding Achievement, and the IDHA Award of Merit. She has been teaching training courses and lecturing on orofacial myofunctional disorders, oromotor imbalances, frenum assessment, dysphagia – oral and pharyngeal phases, digit sucking, bruxism, parafunctional habits, muscular TMD, and ergonomics since 1982 on a national and international basis. She maintains clinical therapy offices located in the Chicago metro-suburban area.
Course Schedule:
The course times will be in Central Standard Time.
Day 1 • 9:00am – 6:30pm
Day 2 • 9:00am – 6:30pm
Day 3 • 9:00am – 6:30pm
Day 4 • 9:00am – 6:30pm
Live Web-Based Course via zoom
Zoom is the leader in modern enterprise video communications, with an easy, reliable cloud platform for video and audio conferencing, chat, and webinars.
Zoom code and information will be sent upon course payment
You must be present online during the entire duration of the course
Tuition: $2,200 (Includes Deposit of $1,100) – Balance due 10 days prior to course
Deposit: $1,100 required; tuition includes course sessions & continuing education credits.
Payment Information:
Check Enclosed made payable to MYO USA, Inc.
Email a Square Invoice to me (to pay with a credit card)
Chase QuikPay with Zelle (708-309-3844)
Cancellation/Refund Policy: MYO USA, Inc. reserves the right to cancel the course up to two weeks prior to the start of the course; registrants will receive a full refund. Registrants who cannot attend the course may apply their deposit to another later course or will be refunded the deposit minus a $75 processing fee. Please contact Rachael Wenzl for more information.